
Why does it matter?

Life skills are important abilities that a child should build, in order to maneuver throughout various environments. Rather home, school, or community, the development of life skills is essential to a child’s growth, development, and overall successful life trajectory. Building life skills, yields:

1. Independence: Dressing, bathing, grooming, feeding with indepenence, all decreases the need for adult intervention, which builds confidence.

2. Responsibility: Completing chores, such as, cleaning their room, clearing the dishes, and making the bed, teaches accountability. This encourages children to take care of  their belongings, as well as contribute to the upkeep of their environment.

3. Social Skills: Sharing, taking turns, resolving conflicts, are all important life skills, and assist in the growth of healthy relationships.

4. Emotional Regulation: Helping children to manage their emotions and express them in healthy ways,  can lead to effective management of  stress, anxiety, and frustrations.

5. Problem-Solving: building a child’s ability to think critically and independently solve problems is essential to their cognitive growth.


A few Life Skills to Focus on

1. Self care: Allow your child to brush their teeth and hair, wash their hands, and faces, dress themselves.

2. Communication: Encourage verbalization of  wants and needs. You can’t start this too early. Ask what is desired or  needed. Provide them the space and time to answer. Do not answer for those children who have developed language and can answer for themselves.

3. Decision Making: Provide opportunities to make choices. What would you like to wear today? Would you like apples or carrots for your snack? This fosters an environment for independent decision making.

4. Money Management: Allow your child to pay for their own items. Use this moment to teach cost, budgeting, and money mangement.

5. Time management: Build routines and educate your children on managing their time. This can assist with sequencing and organization, all which leads to effective time management.

6. Repairs: Allow your kids the responsibility of fixing broken toys or being in charge of simple repairs around the home/classroom.



Life skills are essential building blocks for a child’s overall success in navigating life independently. Building these skills can create a pathway from children to responsible adults. Parents and teachers can effectively help children build these skills through offering opportunities, modeling, being patient, and providing positive reinforcement. This can all be done with the incorporation of play.

If you have any other ideas on how to encouage life skills, please share. As always, we look forward to hearing from you.